Search of scalar in filed.

In order to perform a search of scalar ( sample ) in filed, we can form auxiliary filed in which all elements are equal to scalar and compare it for matching elements with source field. As a result the slice will be formed where matching elements are marked with set bits.

procedure STOF( refer slice f[ ]; index cap, val ); { Scalar to field }


i, n;


{ Fill all elements of field ( f ) with values of scalar ( val ) }

for i := cap-1 downto 0 do


n := ex2 i;

if ( val div n ) = 0 then CLEAR( f[ i ] ) else SET( f[ i ] );

val := val mod n


end;{ End of STOF }

procedure SEARCH( refer slice res, f[ ]; index cap, val );


equ = 9;


tem[ ];



Search of scalar ( val ) in filed ( f ), result put in slice ( res ).


slice tem[ cap ];{ Field for samples }

STOF( tem, cap, val );{ Fill samples field }

COMPF( res, tem, f, cap, equ ){ Get result }

end;{ End of SEARCH }