Defines 16 functions of bit logic for slices. Function is determined by parameter I. Each bit of slice D will be the result of logical function on corresponding bits of slices S1 and S2, i.e. D = S1 <F> S2.
Function <F> defined as following ( only 4 lowest bits of parameter I are significant ):
0 <F> 0 = 1-st bit of I
0 <F> 1 = 2-nd bit of I
1 <F> 0 = 3-rd bit of I
1 <F> 1 = 4-th bit of I
Result depends on state of mask register.
D, S1, S2 - variables of type Slice.
I - variable of type Index.
See also
Command MASKON, Command MASKOFF
Example. Define parameter for "logic and" operation ( & ).
0 & 0 = 0 - 1-st bit of I
0 & 1 = 0 - 2-nd bit of I
1 & 0 = 0 - 3-rd bit of I
1 & 1 = 1 - 4-th bit of I
I = 0001b = 8h = 8d.