List of vector commands of VEPRAN language.

Basic architecture of STARAN processor

Command COPY( D, S ) Copying
Command MASKON Turn on mask
Command MASKOFF Turn off mask
Command MIR( D, S, I ) Mirror permutation
Command SHIFT( D, S, I ) Shift 1-st variation
Command ROT( D, S, I ) Shift 2-nd variation
Command CLEAR( S ) Clear all bits of slice
Command SET( S ) Set all bits of slice
Command LOGF( D, S1, S2, I ) 16 functions of bit logic

Pipeline vertical summator (PVS)

Command ADDCLR Initialize PVS
Command ADDIN( S ) Load slice to PVS
Command ADDOUT( S ) Output result to slice

Rotate coprocessor

Command GETWORD( D, S, I ) Load word to register
Command SETWORD( D, S, I ) Write register as word
Command BITON( D, I, N ) Set some bits in register
Command BITOFF( D, I, N ) Clear sone bits in register
Command MOVSCALAR( D, I ) Load scalar to register
Command WEIGHT( S, I ) Number of set bits in register